Soviet antarctic whaling
Results of questioning
10.11.05 Some underwater videos with orcas from this field season video1 video2 video3 (you should have DivX codec on your computer to play these files)
30.09.05 УPutyatinФ failed to catch orca and returned to the city
10.09.05 Yesterday the vessel УPutyatinФ returned to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky because of the typhoon "Nabi" which came to Kamchatka. When the weather will become better the vessel will continue attempts to catch orcas
8.09.05 According to our data, the vessel УPutyatinФ after leaving from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky went to Okhotsk sea, where tried to catch orcas not far from the western Kamshatka coast. Now the vessel is moving to the city.
5.09.05 Last week the vessel УPutyatinФ left from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky city to make a new attempt to catch orcas.
10.06.05 The summer came, and our crew leaves for Kamchatka for the expedition. This year we will work
from two boats - for photoidentification and acoustics, and there will be no land observations with theodolyte.
Great thanks for the firm "Moreman"
(Russian representative of "Zodiac International") for the discount for buying new boats.
04.03.05 All six killer whales trapped beneath ice near Iturup Island have died. The residents of the nearby village of Reidovo couldn't save the whales.
02.03.05 Russian villagers on the Far East Kuril Islands are desperately trying
to rescue four killer whales trapped beneath ice near the shore. The
whales are unable to swim up for air or swim away into the open sea
19.02.05 Today we celebrate The
Day of the Whales. In honour of this date the page "photos"
was updated
31.01.05 The page "People" was updated - we added the participants of 2004 field season
07.01.05 Now you can download the video fragment of orca capturing in 2003 Otlov.wmv
31.12.04 We congratulate all the guests of our site, friends,
colleagues and opponents with New Year! Good luck for all of you in your work and life!
28.12.04 News from overseas - federal government listed Puget Sound orcas as threatened More
22.12.04 Here you can download some interesting videos from the 2004 field season
14.12.04 Sam DuFresne - boat driver from New Zealand,
who worked this year in our team - sent us his impressions about this
field season Read
06.12.04 Russian government granted 6 permissions
for orca capturing in 2005
15.11.04 This month, WDCS, the
Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, and Earthscan (London) announce
the publication of 'Marine Protected Areas for Whales, Dolphins and
Porpoises', researched and written by WDCS Senior Research Fellow
Erich Hoyt. More...
31.10.04 Some time ago we communicated with one of the participants of the last-year orca capturing. He shortly described us what have happened.
27.10.04 On October 11-17 in Crimea took place the Third International Conference "Marine Mammals of the Holarctic". Members of our project presented the results of their work in oral and poster presentations. We also showed the film made from the field video shootings of this field season. Organization of the conference was favorable, except unexpectedly cold weather and some muddle in the order of presentations. As a whole attending the conference was very interesting and useful for us. Great thanks to the organizing committee!
30.04.04 On the April 22th the regular meeting of Ichtyological Commission took place More...
12.04.04 News from overseas - government of state Washington added southern resident orcas to the list of endangered species More
2.04.04 New data about the history of Soviet Antarctic Whaling, and how these data were falsified, you can read here
11.03.04 Japanese version of FEROP web-site is avaliable now. Welcome!
11.03.04 Official response of ministry of natural resources of Russian Federation to the letters from Russian and Foreign citizens with questions about capture of orca
05.01.04 We congratulate all the guests of our site, colleagues,
friends and enemies with New Year! In honour of this holiday we
have renew our site at last. We have changed design and content
of the main page, layed out report
on survey 2003, renewed results
in "project" section. Welcome!
22.12.03 More detailes about orca capturing
11.12.03 Russian Marine Mammal Council tendered L.M.Mukhametov thanks for the first orca capturing in Russia
4.12.03 Russian government granted 6 permissions
for orca capturing in 2004
13.11.03 Letter from WDCS to russian authorities concerning orca capturing in Russia
6.11.03 Publication from Orcalab site about the died orca
29.10.03 Captured orca have died in Utrish delphinarium five days ago.
21.10.03 To whom it may concern. Official reply of Dr.Mukhametov to the Paul Spong's request about the captured orca.
7.10.03 Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society issued news release concerning orca capturing in russian waters. You can read it here.
2.10.03 The first kamchatkan orca is caught. By unofficial information, another animal entangled in the net and died during the capture.
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